Student Opportunities

NextGen Kid's Church

A purposeful, hands-on service designed specifically for students in K-6th grade, takes place during the Sunday morning service in-person, and online on Facebook. Click the button below to join the group.   

All kids K- 6 welcome!

Elevate is a Wednesday opportunity for kids to get together to build relationships, have fun, and learn more about Jesus!  MEETS FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 

Wee Care Daycare

The Wee Care Children Development Center is a ministry of lfm church and functions in the church facility year-round, Monday through Friday, 6a-6p. This is a ministry that provides children with a loving, comfortable, caring, nurturing, and safe environment where they can learn about Jesus. The daycare is currently available for children 6 weeks-5th grade. Preschool classes are offered during the school year and latchkey is available for students after school. During the summer care is provided and activities are planned for children of all ages. Please visit their website for more information. 

2011 Youth Group

Students in grades 7 - 12 meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month,

7:30 - 9 pm



Our mission is to give as Christ gave. As He gave His life, let us give our resources, time, and talents so others can live abundantly and come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. We support local mission projects and also global missionary work through our Free Methodist Denomination. Consider giving to these mission projects or supporting a child monthly. Visit the denominational missions website for more information.

Click Image for More Info

Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan's Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization that provides help to people in physical need as a key part of Christian missionary work. Our church helps this cause through Operation Christmas Child. We put together shoeboxes of needed items for children around the world and ship them out in November. Check out this video and get involved!